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Pre-Course Prep - The Infant Feeding Academy

Pre-Course Prep

Welcome to the Pre-course preparation module!

We have put this module together for you to get acquainted with how the course works.  You can come back to this module any time you want to check out the course program or revisit the suggested reading list.

You are asked to submit your first mini assignment ‘Breastfeeding Debrief’, no later than one week before the course start date.

You do not have to have breastfed to do this course, the ‘Breastfeeding Debrief’ assignment is for everyone, as we all have experience and opinions about Breast/Chestfeeding.

You will find the ‘Breastfeeding Debrief’ assignment among the lessons.

Any problems or questions please contact us at info@theinfantfeedingacademy.co.uk

Please upload your Breastfeeding debrief assignment on the ‘Assignment Upload‘ Module at the bottom of the menu.

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