Are you a midwife, doula, birth worker, osteopath, or someone aspiring to support new families in achieving their infant feeding goals?

Registered FEDANT Training Centre
Registered Practitioner
Accredited Lactation Consultant
Regulated Service

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If you are a Health Professional looking to develop your skills, wanting to change career and work with newborns, or you are already caring for babies within your role and want to gain more knowledge in order to better support your clients, then you are in the right place!

The Infant Feeding Academy was founded by Registered Midwife, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and Specialist Tongue-tie Practitioner Dee Bell, to ensure her knowledge is imparted to individuals like you, who really care and will make a truly positive impact on infant feeding outcomes and positive transitions into family life. 

All our courses are taught by industry experts...

Dee Bell RM, IBCLC and Specialist Tongue-tie Practitioner

I live near Brighton with the fabulous 10-year-old Florence.  I am a registered midwife, an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, and a Specialist Tongue-Tie Practitioner.

I trained to become a Midwife over 20 years ago and worked within the NHS for over 16 years before leaving to specialise in Infant Feeding and Tongue-tie in private practice. 

I founded Birth, Baby & You (a feeding support service for new families) in order to offer a more bespoke service to my clients and give them the expert support and time they so desperately need.

I have supported thousands of families with Infant feeding and have carried out literally thousands of tongue-tie releases over the past 13 years as a specialist.  

In 2021 I fulfilled a dream and founded The Infant Feeding Academy, in order to teach other Practitioners to do what I do!  Teaching dedicated Practitioners to provide high-quality support is literally a dream come true.  I can’t wait for you to join our team of trained professionals. 

Olivia Hinge, RM IBCLC and Hospital Lactation Consultant

I am a mum to three and a Hospital Lactation Consultant.  Having found establishing feeding with my first child really challenging, despite being a midwife. I decided to train as a lactation consultant and qualified in 2019.

Since then I’ve been on a mission to support families to make informed decisions about how they feed their baby. In a way that works for them as a family, based on facts and dispelling myths.

I started my Instagram account in 2021 in order to provide free resources for parents and its popularity has skyrocketed over the last year, now reaching over 21 thousand followers.

I joined The Infant Feeding Academy last year to teach on the ‘Newborn Nurslings’ module, which was fantastic! I will be joining you next term to teach throughout the program and can’t wait to deliver evidence-based up-to-date feeding training for Practitioners.

Louise Armstrong, RM, BSc (hons), MSc, PGCEA, BFIqL

I am an Infant Feeding specialist and Tongue-tie Practitioner in York.

I have over 30 years of experience as a midwife working in both clinical practice and teaching student midwives in university education.

I have worked closely with the Baby Friendly Initiative (BFI) and led two different university midwifery education programmes being successfully BFI accredited.

I love the energy and enthusiasm of student midwives and have taught thousands of them basic and more advanced infant feeding skills. Also with my current clinical practice, I’m working with the RCM to develop midwifery apprenticeship training, and I’m an external university examiner for midwifery undergraduate programmes.

I have a heart for promoting infant knowledge and skills in all those who are working to support new mothers and babies with their feeding choices. I am excited to be part of the infant feeding academy team!

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Just some of our Infant Feeding Coaches

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