Fully Accredited Infant Feeding Coach™ Program Course starts 5th September 2024

With a full years' support within: The Infant Feeding Academy!

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A blended learning 4-month intensive core program, with a full year’s support and advanced training within The Infant Feeding Academy, preparing you to work with expectant and new families.

Whether you are new to infant feeding, or a more experienced practitioner, the IFC program will empower you to provide optimal feeding support to the families you serve, elevating your knowledge to specialist status around Infant Feeding and the Fourth Trimester (program meets over 45 hours of the IBLCE requirement for lactation specific education and is growing all the time).


Our intensive core 4-month program, with a full year’s support and training, within The Infant Feeding Academy preparing you to work with expectant and new families.


In-person Infant Feeding and Tongue-tie clinic observation/mentoring (Tunbridge Wells), with overnight accommodation. See how Dee works to solve infant feeding issues without unnecessary invasive procedures such as Frenulotomy.
And one-to-one coaching session with eyes on your business.

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Sign up to the
Infant Feeding Coach™ Program

Book your place on our next program starting on 5th September 2024

Prefer our payment plan?


Our 4-month program, with a full year’s support and training within The Infant Feeding Academy, preparing you to work with expectant and new families.


In-person Infant Feeding and Tongue-tie clinic observation/mentoring (Tunbridge Wells), with overnight accommodation.  See how Dee works to solve infant feeding issues without unnecessary invasive procedures such as Frenulotomy.
And one-to-one session with eyes on your business.
If you would prefer to pay via a 6 or 12 month payment plan please get in touch via email – info@theinfantfeedingacademy.co.uk