Masterclass ‘Low Milk Supply: Too little too late?’ with Quiz and L-CERPS Certificate


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Dee Bell, RM. IBCLC & Specialist Tongue-tie Practitioner, and Dr. Sharon Silberstein aka ‘The Breastfeeding Doctor’ will be exploring the etiology of Low milk supply.

Many new parents don’t get off to a good start with breastfeeding.

Perhaps they were separated from their infant due to complications or ill health.

Perhaps the baby was sleepy and reluctant to feed, or perhaps they were given little/the wrong advice about building milk supply.

Or perhaps there are genuine medical conditions causing milk production to be low.
This advanced Masterclass explores the physiological reasons for low milk supply, how to recognise the red flags, and what can be done to increase production both naturally and with the support of medications.
Just some of the topics we will be covering include:
  • Truly understanding the Anatomy and Physiology of milk production –  The Milk Supply Equation
  • Identifying and eradicating secondary lactation inhibitors
  • Recognising Insufficient Glandular Tissue
  • Safe use of Galatogens/Galactogogues
  • Counseling and supporting new parents with low milk supply
  • Managing parent expectations
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