Promote yourself as an Infant Feeding Coach™ with Birth, Baby & You

Your Infant Feeding Coach training is almost complete...

We are so proud of your hard work!

On successful completion of the course, we would like to offer you the opportunity to showcase your skills on the Birth, Baby & You website.  Being featured on our website will help your online presence and enable families in need of feeding support to access your services.

We are building a community of Infant Feeding Coaches that will be searchable by location nationwide, providing families with infant feeding support they can trust.

Please download and complete the profile form below (this is in MS Word or PDF format) and upload to the course, along with a high resolution, clear image of yourself prior to the last live session (which will also be your program completion date).     

Your listing will be shown on our website free of charge for 1 year from your course start date.  You can continue your listing with us by showing proof of Continued Professional Development training (CPD) and continue your membership with the Infant Feeding Academy from £50 per annum, with our Standard, Practitioner, or Professional subscription, more information available here >>

Downloading the Profile Form

  • Download the preferred version of the form below
  • Save the document to a folder your computer
  • Open, make some small changes, close and then check these changes have been saved.

Submitting the Profile Form & High Resolution Image

  • Go to the ‘Assignment Upload’ module
  • Select “Browse” under the Assignments box
  • Select “upload” in the same box
  • DON’T FORGET to upload your high resolution image as well (please note the images are ‘squared’ so do not go too close to camera), you can check an example of images on our IFC page here >>
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