Accessing the Mentoring Sessions
Please ensure you use a tablet or computer/laptop to access the live and mentoring sessions. These are over Zoom, which is a free application you will need to install on your device.
Join Zoom Meeting
Alternatively select to ‘Join a Meeting’ from the Zoom app and use the information below:
Meeting ID: 844 8986 3069
Passcode: 831731
Discussion Theme: Carrying Out a Feeding Assessment
Discussion Theme: Reflux and Colic
Discussion Theme: Strategic Planning for the Last Quarter
Discussion Theme: General Q&A
Discussion Theme: General Q&A
Discussion theme: Answering Common Questions
Discussion theme: Managing Client expectations, record keeping/complaints
Discussion theme: Contracting with your clients
Discussion theme: Reshaping Core Beliefs about Breastfeeding
Discussion theme: Coaching New Families
Discussion theme: Participant led
Discussion theme: Life balance and moving the needle forward
Discussion theme: Expressing/Breastpumps
Discussion theme: Appropriate Record Keeping
Discussion theme: Infant Feeding Offers
Discussion theme: Managing Slow Weight Gain
Discussion theme: Postnatal Consultations
Discussion theme: Goals for quarter two
Discussion theme: Client Expectations
Discussion theme: Infant Feeding Challenges
Discussion theme: Your Goals for the First Quarter