Module Two: Newborn Nurslings

Welcome to Module Two - Newborn Nurslings!

On completion of this module, you will have an in-depth understanding of the need for the mother and baby dyad to be kept together post-birth and how this supports optimal infant feeding and adaption to the outside world. 


Building on the foundation of module one, you will be able to describe which of the UNICEF standards apply to this critical period and be able to teach antenatal clients about the benefits of skin-to-skin for all babies. 


You will be able to describe the principles of good attachment at the breast, with an in-depth understanding of how this impacts on milk transfer.


You will have a good understanding of the role of hand expressing post-birth and the need to ensure early and frequent feeds to establish milk supply. 


This module is all about gaining a sound understanding of optimal infant feeding and how to facilitate this getting off to a good start.


I can’t wait for you to begin!

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